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Chapter History

Chapter History

September 21, 1991, on Rochester Institute of Technology’s campus, the Tri Sigma Epsilon Psi Chapter was formed. A local sorority called Delta Alpha Sigma that was formed from a motivated group of Deaf and Hard-of Hearing women who shared a strong bond of sisterhood transitioned and became a part of Sigma Sigma Sigma.

Our chapter strives to ensure among our members a perpetual bond of friendship, develop strong womanly character, and promote high standards of ethical conduct. We also encourage our members to live by our values: Wisdom, Power, Faith, Hope, and Love. The sisters of Epsilon Psi strive to support each other, achieve academically, take on leadership roles, and serve the community.

The women of Epsilon Psi can be found on the College Panhellenic Council E-board, among the ranks of Resident Advisers and Orientation Assistants, among the Student Government Senators, and involved in many other RIT Clubs and Organizations. We pride ourselves on defying the traditional stereotypes of “sorority girls” and using our organization to make our college experiences the best that we possibly can.